Monday, June 4, 2007

They call me JCORNDAWG

They call me JCORNDAWG. I know you are all dying to know, "What does Jcorndawg mean and why does Josh go by that?" Allow me to shed some light on the matter.
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It all started back in high school...late 90's. I was searching for for the perfect screenname and email. I sought out the counsel of some of my close friends. They said that I am a "dawg" (in a cool gansta way), and since I am blond they added in the "corn." I liked the name, so I tried to plug it in as my new AOL name. But sadly, no luck, it was already taken. So...I tried a "J" in front of it (because my name is Josh). And that is how the all magic happened...I became "Jcorndawg." Now many years later, I am still the JCORNDAWG.
The End

1 comment:

Caroline G said...

AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING....great background story. Now i officially know what jcorndawg means.