Sunday, June 17, 2007

Get Dressed

The summer theme for the Calvary Jr. High Ministry is Get Dressed.
The theme comes from Colossians 3:12-14, So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.

We are focusing on the attributes that God wants us to "put on." Obviously goldy virtues are more important that clothes, but I am curious...What is your favorite clothing item? Maybe it is a pair of jeans, or a cool hat, or a spiffy T-shirt, etc.

My favorite thing to "put on" are my Rockford sunglasses...technically sunglasses are an accessory, but I don't care. I feel so cool when I wear them...They are my stunna shades!
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What is your favorite clothing item?


Eric Wakeling said...

I love my Rainbow Sandals and my Versace eyeglasses!! I wear the former almost every day and the latter every single day.

Caroline G said...

Josh I love this post! Your "stunna shades" are pretty awesome I must agree with you. I wish I was that cool. I think my favorite item are probably my bracelets. They make me feel "vintage and bohemian." like summer. I never take them off and yes mine is an accessory too. We are cool like that.

gOdOwN said...

fav item is the rainbow sandals,
it was titled funny cuase, sometimes you miss on the point at hand and sometimes don't recongize it until it's done or done damage, it's funny, cuase laughing at the situation at times is much better then labeling it something negative. i think God laughs at us sometimes, after going through what he just told us not to do, and it's also funny cause i am a victim of it as well.

Abby Harris said...

Those sunglasses are nice Josh... You have another pair right...? Whats the name of those sunglasses???

Laura Marie said...

I like my "life jacket" aka down vest. It might not have made the ranking of favorite if it hadn't been for all the mockery I endure for it. And it is something that makes me feel very "Oregon" when I wear it, because it is definitely more of a fashion trend in Oregon than it is in California (for good reason....I'm sad now that the weather is too hot to wear it anymore!)

Luke Pimpson said...

I feel most happy putting on underwear and socks. I realize most people would consider these "constricting," (especially socks, all you crazy Rainbow nuts)but I feel they're the few clothing items that all people put on, "one leg at a time."