Saturday, October 4, 2008


Recently I have been thinking about the concept of trust. Do I trust people? Do people trust me? Am I willing to open up to others? Do I need to open up more? What are the benefits of being open? Do the benefits outway the risk?
It can be so difficult to share about your life with others. It can also feel really good. Do I allow myself to be known by others? Does anyone really know me? Why is that so scary?!?!

What are your thoughts?


Kelly said...

Those are some tough questions...

I'm pretty sure everyone knows you AND loves you. I dont think I could go anywhere with you without you running into someone you know. Doesn't it feel good to be loved!

Nicole Gniffke said...


and i think the benefits definitely outweigh the risk, even though it doesnt feel so when there is vulnerability involved.

Ryan Guard said...

I thought you took some huge steps in the direction of being known this week. You shared some stuff that 99% of people would have been too scared to share. And it made me feel like I was REALLY getting to know you, more than just getting to know about you.

Melissa Brosch said...

You know what I think. :) Its soooo good to know you and be known by you! What a friend and partner in ministry!

Lindsay said...

This is probably the biggest thing I struggle with. Not necessarily with being open with others but then wondering what they think about me and am I going to get hurt by them. I think its scary because there seems to be a pressure to have it all together (I'm assuming even more so in your position). The question I have learned to ask even more than any other is "do I trust God and my identity in Him"? I think in the right, safe community where transparency is encouraged then the benefits outweigh the risks. Then freedom comes!

Brooke said...

That's a tough one, I KNOW. It's a perfect time for you to be looking at that and not just going along, status quo.
You can go through these things and then be VERY able to help others on their journey...